Chance Events

Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's Happening....

You may be asking yourself, what is "it".....

Well, as you can see from our Facebook page, one of our bride's had to move her wedding date from October to June. We made the decision to move the wedding about 21 days before the actual wedding date, without actual confirmation that the groom could make it!

The groom is a Marine who is stationed in California and is currently undergoing training and school at 29 Palms. He will be deploying at some point and that is why they decided to move the wedding up so they could officially be married.

Honestly, when the idea was brought to my attention, I thought it would NEVER work. However, when you work with amazing vendors, it is all a breeze! Our biggest concern was if the church and venue were available, and they WERE!

With June being incredibly hot in Florida, weddings are few and far between. We were pleasantly surprised that all of our vendors were available or sub-contracted the services so that it worked! We were so GRATEFUL, to say the least! I will sing the praises of these vendors forever!!!

I am giddy as I type this post because I can't wait to see this beautiful wedding to come together on Saturday afternoon! Think Black, White, Damask, with a touch a Red! It is going to be beautiful and I am so glad to have been a part of this wedding and get to know such an amazing family! Many pictures to come!!!